When forming a corporation, you can count on LLC Attorney to make it effortless. You have many options when it comes to corporations. We’re here to help you choose what’s right for your business.
The terms S corporations and C corporation represent your company’s tax status. Note an LLC can elect to be taxed as an S corp. You remain an LLC but leverage the S corp’s pass-through tax advantages.
S Corporation | C Corporation |
Protects your personal assets from your business liability | Protects your personal assets from your business liability |
An LLC taxed as an S Corp does not need a board of directors. | Requires a board of directors |
Can only have up to 100 owners, so it cannot go public | It’s unlimited shareholders allows a C Corp to go public |
Requires meetings and record-keeping | Requires meetings and record-keeping |
Owners must be individuals (with few exceptions) and US citizens | Owners can be non-residents, making a C Corp ideal for international business endeavors |
The IRS considers an S Corp a pass-through entity, meaning it passes tax liability through to its shareholders. Shareholder(s) then report gains and losses on their personal tax returns, assessed at their individual income tax rates. | A C Corp pays corporate-level taxes. C-corp owners must pay a corporate tax to the federal government and sometimes to their state. There are tax deductions that can make a C corp more tax advantageous. |
Tend to be smaller companies and single owners | Tend to be larger companies because the structure allows for limitless growth |
Because of its shareholder limitations, it’s difficult to raise capital from outside investors | Ideal for raising capital from outside investors |
Select an answer to learn more.
We file your company within 24 hours. You focus on running your business.
In the unlikely (but possible) event someone brings legal action against your business, your personal assets are safe.
If the owner becomes incapacitated or passes away, the corporation continues to exist.
Keeping your business finances separate from your personal ones is key to effectively managing both. We can help you with this too!
An S Corp and a C Corp each have their own tax benefits. It depends on your size and goals. Remember: an LLC can also elect S corp taxation without actually incorporating.
The corporation structure exists to support growth. You can raise capital from outside investors, leverage shares and more.
The answer comes down to the size and goals of your business. Many small businesses start as an LLC and incorporate when they grow. We’re here to support you! Rarely will small businesses find the increased cost and complexity of actually incorporating worthwhile. Many mistakenly choose a corporation solely for the sub-chapter s taxation election. In fact, limited liability companies may also be taxed as an S corp in addition to a partnership, disregarded entity, or C corporation.