You have your business idea, and you’re ready to go. Great! Only, where do you start? LLC Attorney is here to help with your online LLC formation.
We file your company within 24 hours. You focus on running your business.
In the unlikely (but possible) event someone brings legal action against your business, your personal assets are safe.
Keeping your business finances separate from your personal ones is key to effectively managing both. We can help you with this too!
As an LLC, you can choose the tax structure that makes the most sense for you (and may help lower your tax bill.)
Compared to other business types, an LLC is the easiest to obtain. Just click Start My Business, and we’ll take it from there.
You want to stay anonymous, and we get that. We'll make sure that the names of your owners and managers aren't listed, so your information stays private and off public records.
LLC owners are called members. A single-member LLC can be owned by an individual, a corporation, another LLC, a trust, or a foreign entity. When you file with LLC Attorney, we’ll guide you through what your state allows.
While not required, forming an LLC is highly recommended. It provides clear distinction between personal and business liabilities, offering protection for your personal assets. If you’re unsure if you need an LLC or just a DBA, we can help you decide.
Absolutely. With LLC Attorney, your information is protected and secure. We handle the filing process to ensure your details are not shared publicly.
The IRS does not view an LLC as a business structure for federal tax purposes, giving you tax flexibility. Your LLC can be taxed as a sole proprietor, partnership, S Corp, or C Corp, depending on what works best for you.