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  1. Annual or Periodic Report

Periodic Report

The Colorado Secretary of State requires that you do certain things in order to keep your business in good standing. The most important is the periodic report that all corporations, Colorado LLCs, Limited Partnerships, and non-profits should file each year, whether they are foreign or domestic.

If you want to protect your identity, or prefer the convenience of not having to worry about when or how to file your periodic report, you may want to consider our filing service. We will file your periodic report using our name and address. This keeps your information private and out of the public record. It also means that you will not have to worry about filing your reports on time because we will keep track of the time to file for you when we are your registered agent.

Graphic illustrating the benefits of a registered agent: without a registered agent you have No Privacy, No Flexibility, and You are Responsible for Compliance

If you want to do it yourself, then you may continue with our step-by-step guide.

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Colorado Secretary of State

The periodic report filing process has to be completed in one sitting and we recommend you avoid using the "back" button in order to avoid problems with the Secretary of State's website.

First, go to the Colorado Secretary of the State's website here. Then look for the business home page and click on "Periodic Report Filing" link.

You will be redirected to a page in which you will have to type either the business name or the ID number of your company. If you type the name of your company a list of companies with similar names will be displayed and you will have to select which one is yours. If you type your ID, you just have to make sure the information that is displayed is correct and then click on the "confirm" button.

Colorado Registered Agent & Other Updates

If you want to update your mailing address, principal office address, or registered agent, then you may do so on the screens that follow. You will also have the opportunity to verify additional contact details such as your phone and email.

Once you have completed this section, click on the "submit" button and the process will be almost completed. If the website does not redirect you to another page of the website, scroll up and down until you find the red messages that will identify the field you have not completed or if there are problems or errors in the form. Once you correct the identified errors, you will be ready to submit your periodic report by clicking on the "submit" button. If you fixed the problems or errors, you will be redirected to the next step.

When filing, if you selected "Additional Individuals are Causing Delivery" then you will be presented with a screen on which you will be required to upload the required documents. The required documents should include the last name, first name and the address of each person who is submitting the periodic report. If the person is not located in the United States, the document you upload should include the name of the country and the region where he or she is located. Once you have completed this step, click on the "continue" button and a preview of the form will be shown to you.

It is important that you read the document and all of the information on it carefully to make sure all the information is correct and that you did not make any mistakes. If you notice that something is not what you intended, you can change it by clicking on the "Return to form" button. You will then be able to make as many changes as necessary. If all the information is correct, you can click the "Accept" button and your payment options will be displayed.

Make Payment

Once you are in the payment screen you have to type a credit or debit card number to pay the fee charged by the Secretary of State to process your periodic report. It is important that you keep in mind that the State of Colorado just accepts VISA, MasterCard, and American Express as valid credit or debit cards; it is also important that you don't write the dashes or the spaces when you type the number of your credit card. Once you have entered all of the required payment information, you will use just click on the "Pay Now" button and your payment will be processed. Remember to not click on the "pay now" button more than once because it could result in you being charged as many times as you click.

After you confirm your payment information, you may see a warning message that says that you are leaving the safe part of their website. Do not worry about this warning, it will be safe to continue so you should click on "Yes" button to continue.

That's it!

After this step you will be redirected to a page that confirms the periodic report filing process has been successfully completed. The periodic report will now appear in the History and Documents of your business. If you want physical confirmation that the process has been successfully completed, you can print the periodic report form from the website.

If after you have submitted the form, the website says that you session has expired, do not try to fill the form again until you have reviewed the history of your business in the home page. Most of the time the process was successful, even if the page shows you an error message. If after you have checked in the history of your business the form you just submitted does not appear, you will need to do the whole process again.

You may file a periodic report in the two months prior to anniversary of the month in which you business was first formed as well as in the month that marks the anniversary of the month in which your business was first formed. If you do not file a periodic report during this 3 month window, you may file it during the following two months. However, these will be treated as late and you will be charged $40 to file the periodic report instead of normal fee of $10.

Hiring us as your registered agent will ensure that you never file a periodic report late and will allow you to avoid the late fee charged by the Colorado Secretary of State. This is especially useful if you have a foreign entity becuase you will most likely have multiply periodic reports to keep track of. If you are acting as your own registered agent, we recommended that you make a note of when your period report is due each year to avoid incurring a late fee. However, we typically recommend that your do not act as your own registered agent because, if you work out of your home, your address and phone number will be discoverable online with just a business search.

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