See Fee Schedule Below
Wyoming LLCs & Their Fees
Wyoming is often chosen for its low fees. The fees are especially low when compared to other popular domiciles such as Nevada and Delaware, and notoriously high fee states such as California and New York.
While Wyoming LLC fees are not as low as those for New Mexico LLCs, the higher prices are often worth the price due to the enhanced asset protection. See below a list of fees. The table shows the Secretary of State’s fee, our handling fee and whether the Secretary of State makes the filing public.
If made public, then it means filing it yourself will enter your name into the public record. This will publicly tie you to the company and end the privacy benefits Wyoming LLCs enjoy. Learn more about Wyoming LLC privacy here.
Fee Schedule
Form | Secretary's Fee | Handling Fee | Reveals Idenitity |
No state corporate income tax | |||
No tax on corporate shares | |||
No franchise tax | |||
Minimal annual fees | |||
One-person corporation is allowed | |||
Stockholders are not revealed to the State | |||
No annual report is required until the anniversary of the incorporation date | |||
No Initial List of Officers/Members is filed with the state | |||
No general Business License required | |||
Unlimited stock is allowed, of any par value | |||
Nominee shareholders are allowed | |||
Share certificates are not required | |||
Meetings may be held anywhere | |||
Officers, directors, employees and agents are statutorily indemnified | |||
Continuance procedure (allows adoption of a corporation formed in another state) | |||
Doesn't collect corporate income tax information to share with the IRS |
The above fees are significantly lower than competing states. See a more complete comparison between Wyoming, Nevada and Delaware here. You may also view a New Mexico LLC fee schedule here.
Want Lower Fees?
Wyoming LLCs are often formed for their asset protection features. If these are not important, than you may want to consider forming a New Mexico LLC. They offer the same anonymity as Wyoming LLCs at a lower cost. This is primarily due to there being no annual reports to file. This reduces costs significantly over time.
Brandi L. Joffrion, Esq.
Brandi Joffrion is a skilled attorney with extensive experience in diverse areas including litigation, estate planning, and creating limited liability companies and corporations. She is also a professor and former offshore anti-money laundering compliance officer. Brandi can provide you with particular advice on your specific situation in the areas listed above. Brandi is licensed to practice law in Colorado.